LEEF Spring Mini-Conference
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Saturday, March 22

2:30pm EDT

Using 4-H in Schools to Bring Environmental Education to Youth
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:30pm - 3:20pm EDT
4-H In School represents a collaborative initiative between UF/IFAS Extension program areas, aimed at delivering research-based educational content across various subject areas. A primary objective of 4-H In School is to introduce youth to diverse Extension programs including embryology, public speaking, and school gardens. In addition to those, Alachua County’s 4-H In Schools program offers several supplementary activities and presentations that primarily emphasize wildlife and environmental education, such as All About Snakes and Project Learning Tree, thereby broadening students' exposure to a wider array of topics. We invite you to explore what all Florida 4-H In School has to offer!

Jesse Price

Program Coordinator for Alachua County, Alachua County 4-H
Jesse is the program coordinator for Alachua County 4-H. "I grew up in Alabama and received my Bachelor's degree in Organismal Biology from Auburn University. I worked in the Nutrition Center of the Birmingham Zoo for a year after college and then moved to Florida to work for Disney... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:30pm - 3:20pm EDT
Stern Learning Center Classroom
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