LEEF Spring Mini-Conference
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Saturday, March 22

9:30am EDT

Dispersed Yet United: Broward County North Natural Areas Informal Education Programing
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT
Broward County has a large, diverse group of residents and a limited number of natural areas for people to enjoy. Those that exist are small and not well known by residents. In a span of 2 years, the North Natural Areas Naturalist group has created programing within 10 natural areas, 5 regional parks and 2 libraires to educate the public on the importance of native nature while also promoting wellness, environmental education, and building community.

Camila Vallejo

Parks Naturalist, Broward County Parks and Recreation
Camila Vallejo is a Parks Naturalist for Broward County Parks and Recreation. She has always loved the outdoors, nature, and exploration. Having grown up in the urban city of Hialeah, FL, young Camila longed to connect with the natural world. She attended New College of Florida in... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT
Stern Learning Center Conference Room

9:30am EDT

Inclusion in Teen Development Programs LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT

The WILD program is a grant funded leadership development program, that was designed to provide underserved Duval County teens with a unique employment opportunity. The WILD program operates on 3 main pillars: Conservation/environmental education; Leadership development; and Connecting/reconnecting to nature. Audience will walk away with an understanding of the importance of such youth oriented diversity programs, as well as a deeper understanding of the specifics of running a teen program,
WILD Stewards: 5 current members of the WILD team will share their personal experiences with the program. (wildprogram@jacksonvillezoo.org).

Alexander Hopf

Program Coordinator for the Wildlife Inclusion and Leadership Development, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT
Teaching Pavilion

10:30am EDT

Waste Prevention and Reuse Campaign Teaser LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 10:30am - 11:20am EDT
The Center for Biological Diversity has been focused on moving from our take-make-waste economy to one that is more supportive of people and the planet. Attendees to this session will learn about our waste prevention research but also the campaigns we’ve created to support individual and systems changes. Our waste prevention portfolio includes: 1) working to support secondhand/resale/thrift stores in partnership with Poshmark and the Small Business Administration; 2) incubating libraries of things throughout Florida with Shareable, 3) advocating for improved state-level food codes to clearly allow foodservice reuse with Upstream 4) drawing attention to the issue associated with blended fabrics in fast fashion with Collective Fashion Justice and 5) non-material gift giving. Our research includes: National survey results regarding the economy and how the zero waste community can embrace alternatives; National survey results related to alternative gift giving behaviors and secondhand shopping; and an analysis that found that more than half of wool knitwear is blended with plastic contributing to microplastic pollution and worsening the climate crisis.

Kelley Dennings

Senior Campaigner, Center for Biological Diversity
Kelley Dennings is a Senior Campaigner with the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity where she develops and executes advocacy and outreach initiatives that address the connections between gender equity, endless growth and the climate and extinction crises. Prior to the Center... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 10:30am - 11:20am EDT
Stern Learning Center Classroom

11:30am EDT

Exploring Ecology with Art: A Showcase of Place-Based Summer Camp Activities LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:30am - 12:20pm EDT
Come learn how to integrate art and science to inspire learning in your local environment! This presentation will showcase three art activities from Archbold's Ecology Summer Camp that use creativity to connect campers to scientific concepts. Following the showcase, participants will brainstorm ideas for their own site-specific art activities.

Katie Caldwell

Education Assistant, Archbold Biological Station
Katie Caldwell is the Education Assistant at Archbold Biological Station. She facilitates K-12 programs including field trips and summer camps. Katie is a return presenter at LEEF Conferences.
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:30am - 12:20pm EDT
Stern Learning Center Classroom
  Talk, Informal Programming
  • about Katie Caldwell is the Education Assistant at Archbold Biological Station. She facilitates K-12 programs including field trips and summer camps. Katie is a return presenter at LEEF Conferences.

2:30pm EDT

Using 4-H in Schools to Bring Environmental Education to Youth LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:30pm - 3:20pm EDT
4-H In School represents a collaborative initiative between UF/IFAS Extension program areas, aimed at delivering research-based educational content across various subject areas. A primary objective of 4-H In School is to introduce youth to diverse Extension programs including embryology, public speaking, and school gardens. In addition to those, Alachua County’s 4-H In Schools program offers several supplementary activities and presentations that primarily emphasize wildlife and environmental education, such as All About Snakes and Project Learning Tree, thereby broadening students' exposure to a wider array of topics. We invite you to explore what all Florida 4-H In School has to offer!

Jesse Price

Program Coordinator for Alachua County, Alachua County 4-H
Jesse is the program coordinator for Alachua County 4-H. "I grew up in Alabama and received my Bachelor's degree in Organismal Biology from Auburn University. I worked in the Nutrition Center of the Birmingham Zoo for a year after college and then moved to Florida to work for Disney... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:30pm - 3:20pm EDT
Stern Learning Center Classroom

3:30pm EDT

Can We Do More Together? LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 3:30pm - 4:20pm EDT
The most important challenges are often those that won’t be resolved by individuals. Using the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance’s Landscape Analysis as a starting point, Martha will help us explore the benefits of collaborating with others to achieve common goals. Take home some suggestions for getting started! 

Dr. Martha Monroe

Professor Emerita, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences University of Florida
Martha Monroe is a Professor Emerita at the University of Florida’s School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences where she conducted research, lead Extension programs, and taught students about environmental education. She worked closely with over 100 graduate students and... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 3:30pm - 4:20pm EDT
Stern Learning Center Conference Room

4:20pm EDT

The Final Act: Concluding Remarks and Wrap Up LIMITED
Saturday March 22, 2025 4:20pm - 4:30pm EDT
Closing Remarks and Wrap Up
Don't forget to check the Sack Raffle area to see if you are a winner
Thank you for attending and participating--safe travels home!
Saturday March 22, 2025 4:20pm - 4:30pm EDT
Stern Learning Center Conference Room
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