LEEF Spring Mini-Conference
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Gather at the boat dock to join the aquatic adventure! Participants will use dip nets to explore Lake Mize, collecting and observing a variety of invertebrates species. This session will also provide practical strategies for incorporating freshwater ecosystems into your educational programs and using them as a model to teach key principles.
avatar for Bethan Gillett

Bethan Gillett

Director. Fishing for Success Program, Fishing for Success, UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
Raised on the shores of Tampa Bay, Bethan has always had a deep connection to Florida’s waters. Her career began at the Florida Museum of Natural History in the Florida Program for Shark Research. She later conducted field research with the US Geological Survey and UF Fisheries... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:30am - 11:45am EDT
Teaching Pavilion

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