LEEF Spring Mini-Conference
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT
Incorporating the Science of Behavior Change into Environmental Lessons and Messaging:  The application of social sciences and psychology is paramount to the success of any conservation program. During this interactive session, participants will gain a fundamental understanding of conservation behavior change and gain new ideas on how to shape either their messaging or lesson plans to ensure that behavior change is not only present but effective. The purpose of this session is to equip any educator in any setting with the tools and knowledge to create impactful learning experiences for any audience.  

Dr. Brian Ogle

Director of Conservation Learning & Audience Impact, Brevard Zoo
avatar for Amy Shea

Amy Shea

Senior Manager of Conservation Learning, Brevard Zoo
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:20am EDT
Stern Learning Center Classroom

Attendees (3)

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